ISBN: 9780323023672
Κωδικός: 9780323023672
Άμεση παραλαβή / Παράδοση σε 1-3
Τιμή 68,00€ 25,00€
This new title in the REQUISITES IN PEDIATRICS series guides you through evaluation of the pediatric heart patient with the most common congenital and acquired diseases. As in other volumes in the Pediatric Requisites series, this volume provides rapid-reference features such as uniform, consistently formatted chapters; tables of differential diagnosis; lab values/radiologic studies; treatment/therapy options; and guidance on when to refer. At the end of each chapter, a list of key points helps you study for boards or recertification. Extensive illustrations include EKGs, as well as chest x-rays, echocardiograms, angiograms, and MRIs, to help you understand when to order and how to interpret these tests. Perfect for exam review or quick reference, this is one resource you'll consult again and again.
Χαρακτηριστικά Προϊόντος
ISBN 9780323023672
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