Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences

Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences

ISBN: 978-960-9427-93-7
Code: 9789609427937
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Price 90,00€ 81,00€

For over three decades, the Neuropsychiatry textbook has been the standard of choice for understanding the structural and functional basis of neuropsychiatric disorders. In this new edition of the textbook of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, the renowned curators offer a complete reorganization and re-conception of the material contained, and compose the neuropsychiatric syndromes and treatments in respective chapters. These chapters include the neuropsychiatric manifestations of neurodevelopmental disorders, acquired neurological conditions, neurodegenerative disorders and primary psychiatric disorders. The result is a text that flows easily and has a logical consequence, from general principles to specific diagnostic tools and situations, making it a clinically relevant and prominent practical guide for medical students and practitioners, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychologists, and neuropsychologists, as well as for a wide range of professionals working in different clinical settings (eg, general hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, psychiatric clinics, mental health centers, alcohol and other substance abuse programs, and outpatient clinics.

The book has a number of useful features:

  • The new version is fully compatible with the 5th version of the DSM
  • Comprehensive and autonomous chapters useful for clinicians in daily clinical practice are provided, as well       as a large number of bibliographic references for further study.
  • Chapters related to specific disorders have a consistent structure, where required. For example, the chapter       on autism spectrum disorders contains sections on prevalence, etiology, neurobiology, clinical features,           evaluation, differential diagnosis, comorbidity, research, interventions, treatments, and medication.
  • Well-known authors are all experts in the fields of behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry, offering      readers  a broad view of the fields covered.
  • The material contained is supplemented by tables, graphs, and PET, CT, and MRI images.
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ISBN 978-960-9427-93-7
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