Applied Probabilities and Statistics for Engineers and Positive Scientists

Applied Probabilities and Statistics for Engineers and Positive Scientists

ISBN: 9789609427470
Code: 9789609427470
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Price 59,00€ 53,00€

In recent years, the recognition of the fundamental role of probabilistic theory and statistical methods in solving engineer problems and in promoting science research is constantly increasing. This book presents an introduction to probability and statistics for students of polytechnics and science departments.

Covers the basic laws of probability, characterizations of one-dimensional and multidimensional distributions, moments and generator functions, the main patterns of useful distributions in applications and statistical inference, graphs for exploratory data analysis, estimation methods, estimation and spacing systems and multiple linear regression and elements of error theory and measurement systems analysis.

The theory is presented with many explanations and without unnecessary mathematical details so that the reader can focus on understanding the essence of the concepts and the logic that governs statistical techniques. In addition, emphasis is placed on the presentation of realistic applications, so that the student has more insight into the types of problems of the engineer and the scientist that can be addressed using probabilistic and statistical tools. Finally, examples of statistical analysis using the Minitab package are given.

Second Edition Improvements

100 additional exercises were added, most of which refer to practical problems from the fields of engineering and science.

More examples of regression analysis using Minitab are given.

Detailed answers are given to 159 exercises with an odd number.

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ISBN 9789609427470
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